Health & Food
The Secrets of Japanese Pickled Plums

Traditional Production Process

Umeboshi, salt-pickled Japanese plums, are entirely handmade with great care, according to the traditional farmhouse method. Fresh from the tree, the plums are bitter and inedible. So they are pickled with sea salt. In the sun during the day the plums are left on a bamboo mat with the brine in a pot, letting the plums cure and the liquid concentrate. At night they are returned to the brine. This sun drying process is repeated until the plums are ready to be packed in storage containers.

Medicinal Properties

Gathered in remote mountain orchards from trees that have never known chemicals, the plums not only taste astonishingly good, but also hold great medicinal properties. Their powerful acidity has a paradoxical alkalinizing effect on the body, counteracting fatigue, activating digestion and keeping intestinal tract clear, and soothing for all sorts of stomach disorders. They also stimulate the liver and kidneys to dissolve and expel toxins, thus purifying the blood. Furthermore, their organic acids act as a sterilizer to kill bacteria.

Taste & Use

Umeboshi plums are used as a condiment with rice, a seasoning for salad dressings, cooked vegetables, pickles, sauces, spreads or dips.