Health & Food
Beneficial Effects Provided By Soy Products

Healthful Addition To Diet

Soy products such as tofu, tempeh, and soy milk are rich in protein, including all essential amino acids. Soy products can provide a significant portion of one's daily protein needs. They are also a rich source of calcium, iron, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, B-vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids and fiber.

Soy Products are Healthy Food

Soy products were found to be beneficial as it helps to prevent numerous diseases like Breast Cancer, Prostate, Colon, Uterus, Heart Disease and Osteoporosis. It also helps to prevent or alleviate Menopausal Symptoms.

Probiotic Effects From Fermented Soy Products

Probiotics refer to friendly bacteria which is beneficial to the health of the intestines. Moreover, probiotic foods contain certain chemicals which are very powerful for constraining pathenogenic bacteria and fungus. It also protects the probiotic bacteria from stomach acids and provides food for the bacteria to help them thrive in the intestines.

Other beneficial effects provided by Probiotics:

• They effectively help to control high cholesterol levels.
• They act as anti-cancer factors with powerful anti-tumour potentials.
• They effectively monitor and restrain the spread of undesirable micro-organisms.
• They generate B-vitamins.
• They help to relieve the symptoms of anxiety.
• They provide a shelter against the negative effects of radiation and toxic pollutants, enhancing immune function.
• They enhance intestinal function considerably.

Though soy products are beneficial to health, it may be harmful to ingest large amounts of robotic foods such as miso due to the high sodium content of these foods.