49mm x 26mm x 2mm
SuperPreserva – Electromagnetic Wave Compensator

Promotional Price: US$ 2500


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The SuperPreserva is a electromagnetic wave compensator, that picks up the telephone phased wave -by means of a very thin dual antenna- and simultaneously emits an exactly opposite wave to that of your cellular phone (an 'unphased' or 'antidote' wave).

During studies and tests carried out in numerous acknowledged indepandent laboratories, we have been able to prove that the electromagnetic compensation-generated by the SuperPreserva provides very efficient protection at biological level. This work has contributed to validating the efficiency of the SuperPreserva.

¡CAdaptable on all phones
¡CLight and small (49mm x 26mm x 2mm)
¡CLifetime guaranty

User Guide :
The SuperPreserva attaches to the back of the telephone. When using the phone, keep your hand or fingers in contact with the SuperPreserva for optimal efficiency. When the telephone is in your pocket, it is best to keep the SuperPreserva between your body and the phone.
